Therefore a man shall leave his mother and father
and will cling to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh
- Genesis 2
Of all of the sacraments, marriage is the most ancient tradition. We believe that the Sacrament of Marriage is never a private event but one that necessarily involves the whole community. When two baptised Christians exchange their vows freely we believe this union makes Christ present in a real and tangible way. Our parish community considers itself blessed that you would consider celebrating your wedding with us. Like any significant moment, marriage being the most serious, spiritual preparation, planning and time are necessary.
What you can expect from us
Congratulations on your engagement. With your family we want to be able to share in the joy of your day. You can be sure that when you contact the parish office that the Parish secretary will forward your call to the Parish Priest. Because both civil law and church law govern the sacrament of marriage, the parish secretary is not permitted to book any dates until the first meeting with the priest has been completed. You can be assured that you will be greeted with respect by the office staff and parish team.
The parish priest will journey with you as you continue your formation toward your wedding day and beyond. He will provide you with access to the necessary resources to ensure that you are ready to give yourselves to one another in this sacrament.
What do we expect from you?
A parish priest is only permitted to celebrate the weddings of his own parishioners. As such we will work with you on determining if Most Precious Blood is your proper parish. Before a date is established for your wedding, a preliminary interview must be completed. Because of the amount of preparation, we ask that you allow for at least six months before your anticipated wedding date. Prior to the first appointment it would be helpful for all baptized Catholic Christians to obtain a current copy of their baptismal certificate. This may be done by contacting the parish of their baptism. Before too many plans are made for the actual wedding ceremony it would be important to first speak with the parish priest. It will also be expected that a marriage preparation program will need to be completed before the celebration of the wedding. The parish priest or parish office can provide you with more information.
We look forward to working with you in the preparation for this celebration day. Recall that a wedding is a day while a marriage is for a lifetime.