Take care that you do not despise one of these little ones;
for, I tell you, in heaven their angels continually see the
face of my Father in heaven.
- Matthew 18
Our mission at North Central Windsor Family of Parishes in youth ministry is to reach into the daily lives of young people and help them discover the presence of God. Youth Ministry at our Family of Parishes is committed to building a safe, secure community where we can pray, laugh, and worship God together.
The approach we take to our ministry is not one of lecturing or preaching, but of building relationships with one another. Our community offers a welcoming, non-judgmental environment where people from all walks of life can come to share how the Lord is working in their lives. The aim of our leaders and youth minister is to meet young people exactly where they are at in their lives, offering them a safe haven to share their struggles and their hopes.
We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve in this ministry as Christ himself has a particular compassion for young people. We hope to see you at one of our youth group nights, teen events, retreats, or one of the many other activities going on within the Family of Parishes Youth Ministry program!
All are welcome!
…and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice,
and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
- Micah 6
The Social Justice Committee at Most Precious Blood Parish seeks to enlighten and empower the faith community and does so in the light of the Gospel message of Jesus. We are committed to seek justice and promote human development through education, formation and action.
Our awareness of social issues involves both the local and global community. If you are interested in becoming involved in issues of social justice kindly contact the Parish Office, 519-948-4133.
"Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find;
knock, and the door will be opened for you."
Though our Sunday Eucharist is the source and summit of our life we recognize that we are sustained in our life through prayer and devotion. We have at Most Precious Blood Parish a group of parishioners dedicated to accompanying one another in prayer and support.
Wednesday following morning Mass until 3:00 PM Our Lady of Guadalupe site and Thursday following morning Mass until 3:00 PM at Most Precious Blood site, parishioners gather throughout the day to offer adoration to our Eucharistic Lord. When we gather as a community to pray before Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament, we unite ourselves to the universal mission of Jesus — the salvation of the world. When we gather for Eucharistic adoration we pray for the needs of the universal church, our local parish, our family and indeed for ourselves. Come and spend some quiet time with Jesus. All are welcome and any amount of time is appreciated.
Come and pray the rosary with the community of North Central Windsor Catholic Family of Parishes before each weekday Mass. Everyone is welcome.
The power of prayer is not limited to the walls of the church building. There are a group of dedicated parishioners who, from their homes, offer prayer for various intentions that are communicated to them through our “Prayer Tree”.
Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the scriptures:
The stone that the builders rejected has become the
cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is amazing
in our eyes"?
In the marriage ritual there is a formal greeting by which the minister of the church greets the couple at the doors of the church and says, “the Church welcomes you today to this building, a sign of Christ’s presence in the midst of the community”.
We recognize as Catholics that our places of worship are holy inasmuch as they are an external representation of who we are as a believing community. In other words, our churches are designed, adorned and decorated to give expression to the temple of the Holy Spirit, that is our lives.
Before one enters the Church proper, they would necessarily have to make their way through the narthex (or meeting place) just outside the main doors of the Church. People gather from all directions and meet at this intersection of faith respecting that from all walks of life, we enter the Church as one people of Christ.
Entering the Church, immediately one’s attention is drawn to the sanctuary and the altar, the central focal point of any Catholic Eucharistic celebration. It is at the altar of sacrifice that we bring the gifts of our lives and offer them to God. Each of our Churches have unique seating arrangements. This is quite deliberate for two reasons. Practically speaking, it allows for many people to be close to the sanctuary but more importantly we see one another as belonging to the body of Christ.
The purpose of our liturgical environment is to enable the faithful to encounter the person of Christ in the four ways that he makes himself present in any Eucharistic Liturgy. Christ is made present in the Assembly of believers, in the ministry of the Presider, in the Proclamation of the Word, and of course in the actual celebration of the Eucharist.
Throughout the various seasons of the Liturgical Year we take a prayerful effort in ensuring that our decorations enhance our celebrations. Our decorating, especially for the seasons of Easter and Christmas are kept intentionally simple.
We are proud of our Family of Parishes.
“Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs
from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your
heart to the Lord”
If you express interest in this ministry you can expect that you will have a meeting with our choir director to discuss how you would like to be involved.
You can expect that you will be treated with respect in regard to your gifts and will be made aware of what the possibilities are for your gifts.
If not already involved in another ministry within the parish will be expected to complete appropriate volunteer registration forms. (Called, Gifted and Sent)
In addition to the registration the expectation of the director and the choir is that you would be able to attend practices regularly. Of course, implied is your participation at the liturgy.
We rely on volunteer musicians to oversee the music that is so integral to parish liturgies. If you feel called to share your talents, whether singing or playing an instrument, please contact one of our Choir Directors through the office at (519) 948-4133.
Agnes D’Andrea - Most Precious Blood
Caitlyn Bondy - Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sunday Mass)
Carl Kerns - Our Lady of Guadalupe (Saturday Mass)
Madeleine Renaud - St. Theresa
Marianne Beno - Sts. Cyril & Methodius
...This is my body, which will be given for you;
do this in memory of me...
Thank you for considering a call to this ministry. We truly believe that God calls us in various ways and it is important to discern our particular path of service within our Christian community.
For each sacrament, the church has designated ordinary or usual ministers. Eucharistic Ministers have a variety of names: auxiliary, extraordinary or Eucharistic Ministers. Technically, the Eucharistic minister is the "acolyte”; the one who serves at the altar, preparing the altar table and the vessels and who gives communion to the faithful. The roots of their ministry are in the fact that they are Christian men and women. Baptism is our title to our ministry. By baptism and confirmation all Christians share in the priesthood of Christ and have the potential for taking significant responsibility for the public worship of our community. Eucharistic ministry is not given as a reward in recognition of ones past contribution or because someone is better than another, rather, Eucharistic ministers are called from the community as its representative. He/she is to be what they are. All are called to be the presence of Christ.
What do we expect from you?
A three year term and have their name submitted to the Bishop.
Expect to be a Minister of the Eucharist for at least one liturgy per month.
Attend one training session each year.
If not already involved in another ministry within the parish will be expected to complete appropriate volunteer registration forms. (Called, Gifted and Sent)
A classic principle of spirituality teaches us that no person can give what he or she does not have. A minister who lacks faith can't offer a dynamic faith to others. The one who does not know Christ cannot lead others to know the Lord. Faith in the real Eucharistic presence is the most critical quality for a minister of communion (and the whole assembly).
What can you expect being a Eucharistic Minister?
As a Eucharistic Minister you can expect to receive the appropriate training to carry out the duty as a minister.