The COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, but the risk remains low in our area. The Diocese of
London is implementing the following pro-active measures to help protect our parishioners and
communities based on updates from local and provincial authorities.
Cessation of hand-shaking which includes the greeting and bidding farewell to parishioners
before and after Mass. An announcement should be made before the Opening Hymn that the
Sign of Peace could be given with a nod or bow.
Holy Communion from the chalice will be withdrawn until further notice. Intinction is not an
option in the Latin Rite. If a parishioner is unable to receive Holy Communion due to gluten
intolerance or other reasons, they can be offered the Precious Blood.
The Host should be placed in the hands. Because the faithful have the option to receive it on
the tongue, Pastors can use their discretion to accommodate them. They could also ask
them as an act of charity and generosity to receive it on the hand while these precautions are
in place.
Empty Holy Water fonts until further notice.
Parishes will ensure that those who distribute Holy Communion wash their hands or use
hand sanitizer immediately before and after.
Lastly, but importantly, we ask all the faithful in the Diocese of London to pray. Pray for the comfort
of those who have lost loved ones to this pandemic. Pray for all the sick, including those ill with
COVID-19. Pray for the healthcare workers who care for the sick and put themselves at risk every
day. Pray for a vigilant calm in the face of rapidly changing events. And pray that this pandemic will
soon be over without taking any more life.
Further updates will be provided as the situation continues to evolve.
Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, C.S.B.
Bishop of London