The world was spinning too fast almost out of control. I honestly feel that God had enough. I wish nobody would have to suffer or die, but society is wound up so tight how do you make them see without major consequence? By stopping the entire world our planet earth can heal. Nature can heal itself if humans stop polluting it. Now how to fix mankind? The killing of an innocent man? We pray for all the people who are mistreated verbally physically to the point of death pray for the police officers that deal with so much negativity they turn into robots of hatred in capable of assessing a situation for what it is. This time home with family I see it as a blessing. I thank God every day that my family is alive and healthy. We take joy in small things. Teaching our kids to appreciate the world around them and the people in it. Going for a bike ride, cooking, cleaning, watching TV together, less time shopping for materialistic things more activities
Together. Focus on not judging people but celebrating our diversity‘s. Filling our hearts with love. Diversity is our strength, let’s celebrate who we are and learn about the cultures of our citizens around us. To “protest “in itself brings anger and negativity. To celebrate our diversity will drive respect and appreciation and love for fellow humans.