I hope everyone in the parish is healthy and staying safe in the comfort of their homes. Our little family has been keeping quite busy with crafts, scavenger hunts, school work and whatever else keeps us busy (especially since I am still working every day - thankfully from home). I must say that the Covid-19 has been a blessing in disguise in a sense...Craig is laid off which means he's home with us. The boys and I have cherished every moment together with him. We go for walks every day, we play cards or do puzzles as a family and have lots of movie nights. Even our youngest said to me "Maman can we eat diner at the wood table every night?".
The thing I truly miss the most out of all of this is my mom. Those that have seen us on Sunday know that she's my rock and she's always over to help with boys or just visit. I miss our Sunday brunch with her after church. I miss being able to just go to her house to play cards or enjoy a glass a wine together and most of all the boys miss her more than words can say.
We rely on technology alot these days to keep in touch daily and will even do drivebys to grandparents and aunts/uncles just to let them know we miss them and can't wait for this to be done so we can again hug them with all we have.
I have faith that this shall pass soon enough and we pray every day that our loved ones stay safe! The world will be stronger and hopefully humanity will learn to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. God works in mysterious ways.