Hello Fellow Parish Family,
Hopefully everyone is safe and sound enjoying the time together that I think we take for granted in our busy lives. Fortunately for now my company is considered an essential service, although with shortened hours and work days, so I’m able to get out for a bit anyways. The tough part of all this is having to group video chat with our kids and family as we are unable to get together. We are so thankful that all our family is healthy and we pray every day that they stay that way while this passes. We’ve been able to pass the time with catching up on some reading and binge watching some ridiculously, funny shows. This is after I have Googled pretty much everything on the inter web. We look forward to when this over and we can get back together with our family and friends and appreciate the time that we spend together. He who loses money, loses much; he who loses a friend, loses more; he who loses faith, loses all. Stay strong and stay safe.