Our names are Hector and Miriam. We were surprised and overwhelmed when the quarantine was announced, we had a trip to Toronto planned to visit our daughters and their families there, but it was quickly cancelled. We then decided to isolate at home. Thankfully we have been able to stay in touch with our kids, grandkids and friends through social media and phone calls. Our daily family conversations are sometimes turned into family video chats where we can share our news and some laughter. We've celebrated birthdays and mother's Day while isolated through video. Hector and I are also thankful for being able to do daily Mass, something we had not been able to do since we left our native home country. We've also been able to do our daily prayers including the holy Rosary daily. We thank God everyday for keeping us safe and making us part of a community that cares for its older members like ourselves. We have some health issues which render us more vulnerable to the virus, the younger members have organized themselves to deliver food, groceries and medicines while maintaining social distancing. We are also thankful to our spiritual guides, the priests at the NCWFOP for providing messages of love, support and hope during these difficult times.
May the Lord bless those who have so selflessly helped their community members.
Somos Hector y Miriam Ventura, cuando comenzó esta Cuarentena nos sorprendió, teníamos viaje a Toronto a compartir con nuestros nietos, pero ya no fue posible, en fin nos quedamos en casa.
Sin embargo, gracias a Dios y a los medios estamos como siempre en comunicación a diario, hacemos reuniones virtuales en familia.
Hemos vuelto a algo que es muy bueno, como escuchar misa a diario, una devoción que teníamos en nuestro país lo mismo que rezar El Rosario y la Coronilla de la Misericordia.
En fin debemos también dar gracias a Dios y algunas personas de nuestra Comunidad, que están pendientes de nosotros los mayores y con problemas de salud por ser vulnerables al Covid 19, ya sea con alimentos, o haciendo las compras del supermercado.
Infinitas gracias a nuestros cuatro Sacerdotes de NCWFOP, por sus misas y lindos mensajes de Fe, Esperanza y Apoyo, para salir adelante en esta Pandemia.